Check out this account @greatgamez , its owner was very inactive, bonus fact: the owner was one of my cousins who seems to only have 2 comments both saying "poop". no offense @greatgamez
ive seen you 2000 time in real life anyway
@greatgamez your two comments reading "poop" have helped me see the meaning of life and brought me to forsee the future and all of existence in this very moment, thank you for enlightening me kind sir
@MechWARRIOR57 Thanks.
you gotta click "block user, then it will go to a menu that allows you to unblock @Testin123
@MechWARRIOR57 Did the block system change? I don't see an unblock button.
first of all the blocks don't expire, and it will say "Block user" even if they are blocked.
you have to manually unblock it doesn't expire @Testin123
@TheLatentImage huh. That was 29 days ago. Surely the block would've expired.
@Testin123 I dunno man, the only thing that I can think of that would cause that is having beem blocked.
@TheLatentImage That's weird,Look here
@Testin123 you must still have me blocked as I am not receiving your notifications. Regardless, let us no forget the life changing power of "poop"
@TheLatentImage Wonder how much effort was put into those comments! I must say, those 2 comments changed my point of view on everything!
Awesome, good thing you brought our attention to that account. There is a ton of stuff on that account to see. Especially the two comments that say "poop"...