Some of my designs are constantly rolling left even if I really made sure that everything is perfectly centered. Why can such thing occur?
Some of my designs are constantly rolling left even if I really made sure that everything is perfectly centered. Why can such thing occur?
@Tigozawr, great! When you post it, tag me and I'll take a look.
@ChiChiWerx I've remade the whole left wing by hand and now it flies level. Thank you :)
@oDDDity yes, agree, dihedral causes the aircraft to be longitudinally unstable in SP, but it's not the same constant roll in one direction or the other. I guess people asking this question should be a little more specific in saying what their exact problem is.
@Tigozawr, if you have ruled out a 1. weight asymmetry, or 2. a form asymmetry (big object on one side, small or no object on the other side creating a difference in aerodynamic drag), it has to be the wing build issue. You need to check the clipping to attachment points like this: Place an object, where you want it, on one wing (check coordinates with Fine Tuner). MANUALLY place a copy of that object at the same point on the opposite wing--you should be able to manually clip it in almost exactly the opposite position. THEN, nudge or move both objects exactly to where you want them on the opposite wings--they should be symmetrical, though. If that doesn't fix it, then refer to 1. and 2. above. Oh, yeah, NEVER use mirroring!
@ChiChiWerx Rebuilt both wings. Still no effect :(
Here's a more in depth explanation on why this happens...
@Tully2001 Thanks
@Tully2001 What causes it to show up then? Or is it random?