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Please help with roll

2,367 Hockeygoalie21  7.8 years ago

As soon as my airplane takes off it starts to roll to the left a ton. I would be thrilled if someone could help me fix it.

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    @Hockeygoalie21 Attach poinbts do really wierd stuff when you leave it up to the game, especially if you nudge parts a lot and you basically have to nudge parts a lot if you want to make cool stuff. Always be suspicious of the game and create new saves (DONT OVERWRITE) often.

    7.8 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @Hockeygoalie21 good, glad it worked. I thought it might have been a wing flex issue, but I guess in this case, it was not

    7.8 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx Thank you so much! All I did was mirror both wings a few times and it started to work. I figured if it chose the closest attach point on one side, why not do it to the other?

    7.8 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    Try this. You're not the first one to have this problem, it's common in SP

    7.8 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    @Ctracerx2 you gotta help im m8

    7.8 years ago