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Special Project, Testers Wanted, Feedback Requested

8,660 Deloreandude  7.9 years ago

Just as the title suggests, please click the link below. I ask that you please do not duplicate this design and pass it on as your own or make anything of the sort. There are a few problems with it that need to be fixed (only using the vanilla game) one of which being the wheel and another being the complexity of the mechanical arm. If anyone can help me on this project it would be GREATLY appreciated and those who help, even in testing, will be credited in the final output of the final project.

Here, just keep it in mind that it is still a great work in progress, though it looks really cool :D

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    How are you? Because you are not around for years bro

    2.3 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @F104Deathtrap I don't use XML modding period. Like, at all. I will be sure to input instructions, thank you for your feedback! :D

    7.9 years ago
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    This thing needs instructions on how to use it, if you want useful testers. Also, the wheel doesn't spin because wheels do that at certain angles and I don't know why, might have something to do with cars rolling or something. If you mount it to the sides of the box (uselessly at a 90 degree angle from where it is now) it spins. Have you considered using XML modding in this build?

    7.9 years ago