Can I have a wing gun, seven blocks long, one block tall, one block wide, that shoots a laser (no distinction between bullets) of a light brown color. EDIT, it has to be a powerful gun. Must couse severe damage to the use tiny. Like explosions.
Can I have a wing gun, seven blocks long, one block tall, one block wide, that shoots a laser (no distinction between bullets) of a light brown color. EDIT, it has to be a powerful gun. Must couse severe damage to the use tiny. Like explosions.
Sure why not. I could use multiple. From digpfferent users. @vonhubert
@FilenotFound do yo still need it? i can try in several hours
Thanks everyone@pavthepilot @vonhubert @Alienbeef0421
most likely possible
@FilenotFound i can try
It will only throw the tiny off course
@Flightsonic oh yeah, the programmable ones
Godamnit. @Flightsonic
@RailfanEthan He needs some of that EXML women if you know what I mean
I updated the for, with some new requirements. @RailfanEthan
Women? Whaaaaaaaaaat
@pavthepilot @multidimentional @heliover03 @cadin @franticmatty