Heliover3 125/300
SSGTWolf 165/300
Logotrax 225/300
Ploptro7 230/300
Flying things 270/300 late
Yoshicraze 215/300
JetWondy 240/300
CRJ900pilot 260/300
KanonenVogel 255/300
BaconBandit55 255/300
Gemsta 195/300
Swinly 140/300
Windwalker5000 235/300
Raiyan 245/300
Baldovino 265/300
Alex23 205/300
Kerbango 270/300
Mikoyanster 280/300
Herpadersta 220/300
FranticMatty 290/300
Thanks for submitting your aircraft
@Franticmatty I thought I was dead last, XD
@doge ik, I thought I was dead last, I didn't even try, also I was busy with work and getting my stuff back, so I had no time to work on it, XD I'm also bad at sea planes, I am a war propeller plane designer, gtg sorry!
Yea second to last look at the score sorry but litterly almost every plane prefomed better@SSGTWolf
Lol @Franticmatty
@SSGTWolf They're totally in order XD
@Luuk2909 Hahahaha Yeah we do XD
Holy cràp, @doge I was second!
you won m8! BTW if anyone comments "First" on your vid tomorrow we know better XD @Franticmatty
GG enjoyed doing this
@doge fine...
@doge ENP11 was a shorter, taller aircraft, ENP-12 was a shorter, longer aircraft with 2 jets, and ENP-13 is the largest, with turrets all over it, and 4 turboprops.
Kill it with fire and well i tend to block people that put rick rolls in my comments @Chesty
Hmm shape not so much but nextime plz dont submit like the alsmost same aircraft it just gets well confusing @Herpasherpaderpa
@doge I submitted three aircraft with differences in size, engines, wings, and fuselage shape. These where ENP-11, ENP-12, and ENP-13
Hmm lets see the only one you subbmitted lol the only diffrenxes i saw was the wings @Herpasherpaderpa
Did I do good with 220? Which of my submissions was your favorite?
Ok. Thanks! @doge
Yea over 2/3
Points yea you did good@Alex23
Did I do decent with 205/300 points?
@doge nice. So i did good.
Like the name BTW@FlyingThings
Very good I ment to type 270 so your tied with 5th place not bad at all @FlyingThings
@doge is 269 points good for a late entry?
You scored 5th so only 1 upvote plus a little help if you ever need it @CRJ900Pilot