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Create subassembly of multiple parts?

48 JKang  7.7 years ago

Hi, I've downloaded a cockpit that I wanted to use for my aircraft, but as it is consisted of multiple parts, it just fells off when I try to select one part and create a subassembly.
Is there anyway to select all of the parts and drag to create a subassembly without losing any parts?

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    48 JKang

    @Testin123 @Tully2001 Thanks for the help, guys!!

    7.7 years ago
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    8,437 Testin123

    Olay, so you put the cockpit block on the cockpit, remove the objects that are not part of the cockpit, then take the cockpit block off. It'll be gray. Drag it to sub assemblies. Hope this helps

    +2 7.7 years ago