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May be MultiPlayer?

77 DANILKA2033  7.9 years ago

Gyes! Do you need multiplayer?
Maybe local or online games? But there is mod for Pc/mac! May be they will make this mod for android? Who with me!?

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    I think the can do this, it will take long time but they can, or all of us will try to do this and it will work! If there any news, please tell us)

    7.9 years ago
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    @pavthepilot ASSUMING we could even get a multiplayer build to work on android(we can't), you'd be right EXCEPT for one not-so-small thing: you can't control what another player comes in with. It may be able to handle a player joining with a small fighter, but what's to stop them joining with some Super Star Destroyer that crashes weak devices? And what of multiple players? It really starts to add up after a while.

    7.9 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    I dont think that an local multiplayer would be that hard to made , if a device can support AI controled aircrafts it can sport other player controled planes too

    7.9 years ago
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    Android:0.00001% Chance

    7.9 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    @MechWARRIOR57 lmao dude I'm just messing with you

    7.9 years ago
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    no, did you read any of that comment? you know, I'm getting sik of this, I'm just going to let @UnstableOrbit himself do this @Mox

    7.9 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    @MechWARRIOR57 so there is going to be multiplayer on android. Got it

    7.9 years ago
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    no, look through the comments, every answer has been "NO" so unless oyu donate thousands of dollars for them to buy testing devices and many other things, no it wont happen, they have tried, and failed they would have to make a whole new mod for that, they said that their current version doesn't work on android, and that this version took a year to work so you can imagine how long it would take to make a whole new version that works on android and PC, also Unstable is working on making a whole new standalone game!! @Mox

    7.9 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    @MechWARRIOR57 android- YES?

    7.9 years ago
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    Andoid=NO iOS=NO just look at the Mp mod page, its filled with "NO" @Mox

    7.9 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    @MechWARRIOR57 android- yes, iOS- no

    7.9 years ago
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    multiplayer will never come to mobile.... end of story

    7.9 years ago