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Simple Fighters - Infinities Project

2,275 Oicraftian  7.8 years ago

Post links to your fighter, designed to best it's counterpart in air to air combat, and some info. Possibly pick up some RP back ground.

The only two things that can be XML'd are weapons and wings.
Post must be the actual aircraft itself.

It is generally recommended that your aircraft be trialled in SAM evasion, because this authors competing aircraft can already beat it, or nearly do so, despite being in prototype stage. Or in the case of Prototype 105 Advanced, incomplete power plant.

Air to Air Combat:
AI's must fly each plane, and at least ten rounds with results being posted, hopefully with successful target lock data.
After five rounds, aircraft switch sides.

There are only two types of engagements in this competition, medium and close ranged engagements, with long range being too great a distance for anything to actually matter. They are for two different purposes, with medium to measure how able an aircraft is able to engage when even at low combat energy, and close, for their ability in dogfights. It should be noted however, that medium range is more important than short range. The only exception being aircraft which can complete final stage of SAM evasion 10/10 times in different positions.

Aircraft stats should be shown. Performance is rated on:
Payload (armament)
Structural strength
Power to weight

There are times when the AI's idiocy, or the performance of an aircraft, result in ridiculous situations. For example, in a dogfight at close quarters results in the missile supplies being exhausted. Or if the AI decides to crash.

Currently, the idea is that, crashes are invalid, and in the case of insufficient missiles (cannons do not count), whoever achieved the most lock-ons is the winner, or write it off as a draw.

Cannons do not count because weight of Cannon is rather inconsequential except in tiny craft. It should work though, it helps a lot in close quarters.

The goal is to create a community containing the best Vanilla aircraft possible.
Please note that XML to create a stealth like body shape is completely acceptable.

AI aggressor aircraft:

This one is a little strong, the planned aggressor lost 10/10 engagements, within at the most a minute. No lock achieved, downed by missile or cannon fire.

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    2,275 Oicraftian

    Okay so new problem with the AI, it's friggin retarded as we all know, but the BK28 has just demonstrated it is literally more maneuverable than the AI is capable of accounting for. So! When this actually happens, when the AI does literally nothing but wait like 5 full seconds before it decides to nearly ram the aggressor by spinning around and going head to head because reasons, just know that you're more maneuverable and going to win, the AI is just too stupid to do jack.

    And! At medium range! Advantage spawning... This is cancer, literally cancer, so basically the new thing is just timing how fast the AI achieves a lock at low energy because the AI thinks it's in a race to set a new chapter in retarded.

    7.8 years ago
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    @Oicraftian haven't tested yet.

    7.8 years ago
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    2,275 Oicraftian

    @MaximusTheMinimus We'll see.

    How does your best aircraft stack up to an AI functional BK29?

    7.8 years ago
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    @Oicraftian mine has a 500 ft maneuvering diameter... Hehehe

    7.8 years ago
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    7.8 years ago
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    Just going to say, I know some pretty sweet maneuverability tricks...
    And that goes farther than just vectoring...

    7.8 years ago
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    @Oicraftian well okay. lets see how many Gs I can pull to beat that.

    7.8 years ago
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    2,275 Oicraftian
    This is the only aggressor craft I have on hand. I broke it partially somehow and that's why the structural panel is there. It is a rather dangerous opponent...

    I am thinking that aircraft should not need realistic fuel range. Probably half or a third is more than enough. @MaximusTheMinimus

    EDIT! Turns out the Project 33-2U should get a new name. Terminator. It just wiped out some of my most capable aircraft...

    Don't be worried if you lose to it, when I meant "Advanced" I meant it.

    7.8 years ago
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    2,275 Oicraftian

    Exactly, just no other characteristics beyond appearance. Except for modifying structural wings to have control surfaces.

    Please try to keep each plane below 200 parts

    Some decent aggressor aircraft I have seen, very good, deserve up votes!

    I'll modify them and post them as unlisted, thus FORCING the originals to be up voted! Because I never asked to use them...

    They aren't perfect though, and their lacking fuel is a bit much, so I plan to use hack fuel on the aggressors to make them actual opponents...

    Aggressor aircraft, by the way, are just enemies to test your planes with. For the sake of making them harder kills, I will give them hack fuel and moderately improve performance, and fix issues. You can pick up the original, or I can post an easier version.

    7.8 years ago
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    hmmm...I guess I'll join.

    7.8 years ago
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    1,744 kingofsteam

    so can we use a fine tuner to modify what the body looks like

    7.8 years ago
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    2,275 Oicraftian

    There is only one exception. When an aircraft which is unflyable by the AI, piloting the aircraft is acceptable.
    Know! That medium range is more important than close quarters! If an aircraft wins at medium range fight, but cannot turn fast enough in CQC, it wins! The ONLY exception, is when an aircraft proves that it is far beyond the agility of a missile, and is able to complete each level by dodging SAM's.

    Performance rated in:
    Payload (armament)
    Structural strength

    7.8 years ago