Hey ryn, just wanted to let you know that I was loosing internet/wifi. Not sure when I will get it back but I can't afford it at the moment so it must be done. I will see you again! Farewell...
But the warper is having difficulties. And I have some questions...
Any idea for a color scheme? And the maneuver abilities for the warper are trash currently. I will be working on them for a while. So far my color scheme is like white and grey to maroon and bright magenta.
@Ryn176 oohhh, nice gravitar ryn. So I would say something like this?: [leel]https://showguneagle.deviantart.com/art/CEC-Freedom-class-star-defender-660835008 or do I have to add the parenthesis?
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger Wh..wh... WHAT?! nuuuuuuuuu
Hey ryn, just wanted to let you know that I was loosing internet/wifi. Not sure when I will get it back but I can't afford it at the moment so it must be done. I will see you again! Farewell...
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger cek remember dis?
@Ryn176 i'll see what I can do
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger Black with combination of Blue for control works almost every time...
But the warper is having difficulties. And I have some questions...
Any idea for a color scheme? And the maneuver abilities for the warper are trash currently. I will be working on them for a while. So far my color scheme is like white and grey to maroon and bright magenta.
@Ryn176 you mean that ocean one? Nah I've got it back already :)
@Ryn176 you mean that ocean one? Nah I've got it back already :)
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger Like on this one
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger Also, do you want the designer you use to use
Wow thanks!
@Ryn176 ohh I already have xD
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger Like this ![] (Image link)
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger Cek dis out
Do you know how I could also put a picture on the bio?
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger No Problem m8
Thanks :D
@Ryn176 I see. Well that's really helpful
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger There's a SPACE on the link
[Testing](https://showguneagle.deviantart.com/art/ CEC-Freedom-class-star-defender-660835008) dunno m8, me check meh profil furstz
Sorry I'm not very good at this stuff
[Testing](https://showguneagle.deviantart.com/art/ CEC-Freedom-class-star-defender-660835008) maybe?
@Ryn176 oohhh, nice gravitar ryn. So I would say something like this?: [leel]https://showguneagle.deviantart.com/art/CEC-Freedom-class-star-defender-660835008 or do I have to add the parenthesis?
@ExtraOrdinaryEvilBadger Links are like this [Put what you want to say] (link)