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The Soviet-Indo Awwami Offensive (C&C S7)

33.1k AverroesIndustries  7.8 years ago

Main Story

Following rising tensions and threats, The provoked Grand Caliphate of Awwam declared War on the New Soviet Federation, a Holy war.
After this, the Republic of India, New Soviet Federation, and the Lanzarrian Dominion declare war on the Grand Caliphate of Awwam, What followed after that was a very special and dangerous war.
The superpowers clashed, First on the Persian front, Where Lanzarria landed in Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, Literally launching harassing Advancements on the Awwami positions, Legend has it they were known as the "Ghosts of Gazik" mainly because of their heavy hitting operations and rendering Awwami positions mainly useless.
West of Iran, On the Eastern Turkey Front Awwam has invaded, the Awwami Royal Land Forces stormed Armenia, Closing in to Georgia from Azerbaijan as well, This did not mean Well for the Soviets, so they held the Georgian front from any more Advancements from the GCA.
India was the spearhead of the Naval offensive, They had such power that they've pre-emptively planned their movements, First moving into the Gulf of Oman with support from the Arabian Sea, Their Capacity outdid the Awwami Royal Naval Forces and took them by surprise, Fortunately for them they've gained the upperhand due to their quick thinking, Apart from that they've also pushed into Iran from Pakistan.
The Lanzarrian Forces held Afghanistan, Bordering Iran with heavy emplacements and many anti air equipments installed there, Securing total control of the Mountainous region from the clutches of the Grand Caliphate of Awwam, Not only did they assist there, but they've Launched strikes against the Levant as well as the Iraqi Gulf, Though this did not go well for them as Obviously the Awwami positions were firmly ready and quickly repulsed all known invasions, The GCA had confirmed their control over the East Mediterranean, With additional support from New Syllix Alliance joining in later, who later proved to contribute greatly to the war effort.

Awwam was taken by storm, Engulfed in total war, Their presence was not welcome by the Communist powers, So much as to those who they dominated, It was to be known that the Grand Caliphate of Awwam had officially collapsed.

Shortly after realising that nearly all odds were against them, Awwam had declared surrender. After that, All the participants did their part, Effectively seizing undenied control over Awwam, Divided and portioned out to the Victors of the war.




Great Finland is Defunct as of 25th of May.


Soviet-Indo Awwami Offensive.


Surrender of Awwam.


Federal Republic of Auruna (Fully Autonomous Sector of NSF) [Light Blue]
Leader - GoldenEagle
Members - Alienbeef0421

Scandinavian Union (Republic) [Purple]
Leader - PINK
Members - CODENAMEBOB | MadBomber

Lanzarrian Federation (Federation) [Blue-Purple]
Leader - JakeTheDogg
Members -

New Soviet Federation
(Socialist Republic) [Red]
Leader - Makcoink
Members - GoldenEagle

Federal Republic of Berus (Federation) [Dark Grey]
Leader - AccipitrisEnterprises
Members -

Iberian Empire (Monarchy) [Lime Green]
Leader - 1gman4evr
Members -




Company : Greek Motors Inc (Arms Manufacturer) works for: Independent Corporation

Company : Viper Industries (Weapons and Aircraft Manufacturer) works for : Independent Corporation


-Feel free to ask questions.
-Don't be OP = Kick or massive nerf to your nation collectively by other nations.
-Don't be a sore loser.
-Don't be an idiot, Use common sense.
-You must be active, else face a kick. (If you are in Discord, in this case if you are gone for 3 IRL days, your nation will decay, Or you can hand over control to another which will only last for 10 days, after which it will be automatically partitioned to neighbouring nations.
-You use what you built in SP, if you didn't build it, it doesn't exist hence you can't use it, Unless it's something that has connections to your nation In Real Life and was made close to Roleplay time.
-Trade/Purchasing of Equipment, and Tech are allowed.
-No trash talk of others, their equipment or them.
-Be friendly to others, especially to new players.
-You cannot attack anyone that is offline, but if you evade attack by going offline the moment another nation attacks you, you will be allowed to this 3 times until the 3rd attempt at which the attacker will be allowed to take claimed land, So, don't be a coward.

How to Join?

- Country: just say "Country name (Government)[color]" and your starting location.
Or alternatively you can join any country.

-Group: say "Group name (Group type)" and the country where it originates, and the country(s) you work for (if you have any)

-Company: say "Company name (Type)" and your HQ location and the Country(s) you work for.

Discord Server

Join by clicking this.

or if you can't, here's the whole link: (Insert this in the discord app!)

Command and Conquer Roleplay by GoldenEagle.
Official Map Maker : AverroesIndustries.
Moderators : AccipitrisEnterprises, JakeTheDogg, Exosuit & DankDorito.

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    C&C? I'm on it... who are you on it? @GermanWarMachine

    7.5 years ago
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    7.6 years ago
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    @Dllama4 I don't know, I can't build properly anymore and my Android phone is my limitation... Maybe sometime in the future. I don't know.

    7.7 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    Oh wait. Closed down... :(
    When do you plan to come back?

    7.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    @AdrianFlyingAce Okay.

    7.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK


    7.8 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Rip PAAN.

    7.8 years ago