Operation Renown was considered as a complete failure. Losing one of the largest carrier of the fleet, only 2 merchant ships and 1 auxiliary cruiser were sunk. HNS Nightingale was sunk during the her trip back to the dry dock. Although most of her wreck is salvaged and is undergoing a series of repair, it is very unlikely that she will be back into service by the end of 1939. Another carrier, HNS Urocolius was also damaged during Operation Firebird. Fortunately, the damage was minor and the repair works will be done by February. However it was said that further operations against SAN would still be carried out by the end of March.
@Thefrenchdude22 Wait, my armoured carrier has not yet been deployed :3
@Supercraft888 A role play :3
@Halphas and i might give you one of them to recover the loss of your carrier ^^
well, my new carrier class is almost complete, and she's quite intimidating...
What is this for?
@ChasingHorizon @Thefrenchdude22