Who else plays Battlefield 1? I know a few people here do but still,
Whats your favorite class and gun?
(My screen name there is Kingdeadshot130 (real original of me ehh :P))
Me, personally I like all the classes except scout which is kinda hard to play as personally. But I'll have to play it a bit more extensive later.
(also, I might try to figure out what one of the bombers are in the game and try to build that at some point if I'm bored, so thats how this sorta relates to SP :P)
I personally use Scout and Medic!
Scout because I love farming those satisfying headshot kills!
Medic because I love the rush of healing players in the heat of combat.
My favorite weapon overall in BF1 is easily the Gewehr 98! Something about the gun just feels apart of me...
I use normal frag grenades (for medic) and smoke grenade rifles (for medic) and I use flare guns (for scout)
I also use ice picks and shovels occasionally...
and I play on the ps5 ;)
Tank Hunter, and the Tankgewher! @KDS
lol @InternationalAircraftCompany
I'm gonna download some mods for Fallout 4 now.
I play on PS4
@KDS I main sniper and medic, i do the same medic strat
I was messing with the Russian Sniper rife (which full name I cannot remember :P) and feels like a pretty good rifle. I like the Sweeper for the medic class, I just stay in the middle of the horde at the beginning of a conquest game and revive people when I can. :P @Baldeagle086
scout is actually pretty easy at medium range bc u don't have to worry about bullet drop and my favorite class is medic
Cool :) @BritishNarwhal7
I play all the classes except for the scout which I haven't overly gotten into. I really the BAR M1918 and the MG 15 low weight for the support class. @Avro683Lancaster
Console. Xbox 1 :P @Blue0Bull
i do
My favourite is Support, with the Lewis suppressive, Red Baron's P.08, Crossbow launcher, Ammo Resupply, and Hellfighter knife.
The two bombers are the Caproni Ca.5, and the Gotha V