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A few suggestions that could make the game better

97 ASIByC  7.8 years ago

1.) Radar

  Gives more immersion to the game; my idea was to make this a high customizable block that could be installed in one's aircraft. Some options it can have are: width of angle of detection and wave length. This block will also give players' aircraft a Radar Warning Receiver GUI. So, if someone is aiming his/her radar at other's aircraft, that aircraft will see you in the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR). 

  You can google it and see that it's based on a clock display that will allow a pilot know where that radar signals are coming from. So, let's say Player A is aiming its radar at Player B from behind, so then, Player B will see Player A's aircraft on Radar Warning Display on its 6 o'clock; radar will be toggleable for a player to maintain 'stealthy' in any combat situation.

 The RWR will also tell the pilot how high a threat is; if you're being locked, or if some land-based systems that are in range of shooting you down... Etc. Also, what if they added some other types of missiles; radar active or semi-radar active which will require radar assistance for it to be directed into target. While Radar active won't require any assistance (Shoot and forget)... Anyway, so many other things the Radar could add into the game. 

2.) Materials

 When building an aircraft, you could choose what type or material you want any part to be. Materials such as wood, aluminium, steel, carbon fiber... etc. Each with its own properties; weigh, strength, flexibility, Radar-absorbent properties, resistance and others. Devs could actually mak it so you could break an aircraft because of G-Forces, and also depend on the aircraft's resistance and materials that it has.

3.) Remove the limit of size of fuselage parts

4.) Make helicopter physics possible

(Also removing the limit of how big you can make a propeller) Which will make it possible if you are making one.

5.) Physics improvements for next updates.

Such as breaking a plane's wing because of G-Forces or making jet engines die at high altitudes due to lack of oxygen.

6.) Rocket engines. (Like jet engines but bring their own oxygen)

7.) Stealth signature.

8.) More weapons


Any criticism is accepted, thanks for reading (if you did)

Note I am a big fan of your game and that I care for its future. I am looking forward to see how it grows.

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    97 ASIByC

    @randomusername Thanks for that, I guess I am a little late answering this; the only thing you have to do is put about 5 spaces before starting a paragraph and it'll create a box. Thanks again! :)

    7.6 years ago
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    There also needs to be more flexibility to parts. The hinge rotators have so much potential if only the devs allowed the ability to turn the joint in the builder. That alone would allow for so many new ways to build.

    7.8 years ago
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    9,046 Seonor

    As others comments, materials will be a very good feature, that will make planes more realistic in terms of weight, strengh, etc... a great balance, and like too the limit of oxygen at high altitudes.

    7.8 years ago
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    97 ASIByC

    Thanks for all of you guys opinions, love to see that you liked it ^^

    7.8 years ago
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    Love the stealth signature idea!

    +1 7.8 years ago
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    22.6k Visify

    Your materials suggestion is very good, especially tournaments will be a whole lot different with people having to keep structural strength in mind aswell.
    However the helicopter physics are already in the game, you can edit prop diameter using the Overload mod. If you don't have access to that, simpleplanes physics allow for propellers to be made out of wings. So if you have a way of powering such a propeller you could make a helicopter. For ideas you can look at my builds.

    7.8 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    good ideas i really like the G force idea ^^

    7.8 years ago
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    1,762 ThatOnion


    7.8 years ago
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    8,309 12ocketguy

    The devs said no to multiplayer. Many devices can't handle multiplayer such as mobile devices. As well there is a rocket engine mod if you want to check that out. Also You can XML edit parts, so parts don't have a limit. You can put all of these ideas in the Uservoice under the stuff tab.

    7.8 years ago
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    2,059 hackk


    7.8 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    I actually think this is a well thought out list of suggestions. Who knows what will happen in 1.6 now the creator of the multiplayer mod is now a dev.

    7.8 years ago