For those who do enjoy my work and did sub to me. Thank you very much it meens hell of alot to me and im very grateful this year will only get bigger. Here my channel here if you wish to listen to my channel and once again thank you o so very much peace thank you guys. Back to building now lol.
Just a thanks for helping me achieve nearly 140k subs on youtube
5,476 landspeedcreator
7.8 years ago
@Tully2001 thank you much appreciated.
@Flash0of0green thanks buddy. Ye i tend to keep it quite on games.
@landspeedcreator I legitimately didn't know you had a YouTube channel. Graduations on receiving 140k that's a big milestone right there you should be really proud.
@randomusername @Flash0of0green @Blue0Bull @Potkuri @Geekpride @Stampede
@MechWARRIOR57 yes. Im on like 139.559 atm so real close to 140k