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Pre Upload option

9,046 Seonor  7.8 years ago

Well, this is a planet of course and countries have different times, so i was thinking if the game can put a pre upload option, let me explain:

-Once you upload a craft, the craft is published at the same time, so why not to put a timer publication?

Example: i uploaded my craft 03:00 AM and i want to publish to the forums at 11:00 AM

This suggestion appeared because of crafts published at night hours, and majority of people are from US, so public is low when in US is in midnight (Im not from US) so... idk, what do you think?

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    Good idea.😋

    7.8 years ago
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    That would be handy...

    7.8 years ago
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    18.8k mushr0om

    People uploading and viewing should be proportional, so on "new" aircraft page you should get the same amount of views. On hot there can be differences but not too much. If your plane gets a lot of upvotes it will stay there.

    7.8 years ago