Thanks to all of the participants in the Weapon Design challenge! Well, the challenge closed a while ago, and I have finally got to judging. I emphasized functionality over appearance, and the results will reflect that.
iOS Bracket
Weapon Class
- Viper28's Grenade Launcher. Good functionality... it wasn't yet another missile.
- FilenotFound's Never Miss. Interesting bomb design.
- TehNewDucky's TND Entry. Interesting mine concept.
Tactical Systems
1.Tankguy109's Flying Dragon. Clever use of modded exhaust.
PC/Android Bracket
- ColonelStriker's XCASC-72 120mm Cannon Pod. Good functionality, decent appearance, and the mechanics of the barrel are a nice touch.
- Mikoyanster's TBM M1 Weapons series. A lot of weapons with varying purposes. I'll ignore part count because there are so many weapons in one post.
- CoBros2's Weapon Design Entry. This was the kind of functionality I was looking for. I think you could've made the weapon look a little better though.
Tactical Systems
- MrMecha's parasite. Looks good, functions well, and is adorable in the process.
- jlewisifer's Paletized Lander. Interesting thing to enter.
- Fjorge's Hell Bomb. Pure chaos. Probably more disorienting than anything, so I put it into the tactical system category.
Weapon Core
Well, there was only one core entry, so by default, it won. It was an awesome entry, though, so its quality should not be dismissed.
1. mushro0m's boomerang
So, there were some really good looking turret models in this challenge, but their functionality was simply that - a gun on a swivel. They were absolutely beautiful, so check them out:
- Ephwurd's Scarab Plasma Boltgun
- Z3ro's YFFD Phase IX S
I will probably give these participants some reward.
@spefyjerbf Alrighty
@EliteArsenals24 Probably not in the near future. Challenges are too much of a hassle for me.
Wish I've joined this site earlier :P. Anyways any plans to start another weapon design challenge?
@spefyjerbf Man,Mikoyan used atleast 6 missiles.sigh
@Botfinder I didn't make individual rankings like last time.
Man, how did I miss this challenge