Im just looking for oversized suspension if any1s made it or can make it
@TakicraftCorporation replyd
I meant in size but strength/damper would be good too its for large scale buggy type vehicles to avoid stacking suspension
Can you say that what do you mean under oversised? Oversized by scale, or oversized by strenght and damper. If it's good i can make you a modded suspension part, when you meant that.
@suntadj ask @gestour or @takicraftcorporation
@TakicraftCorporation replyd
I meant in size but strength/damper would be good too its for large scale buggy type vehicles to avoid stacking suspension
Can you say that what do you mean under oversised? Oversized by scale, or oversized by strenght and damper. If it's good i can make you a modded suspension part, when you meant that.
@suntadj ask @gestour or @takicraftcorporation