I like making stuff on iOS better but pc is now great but the bad news is that it is not mine it is my family's:( so I can't all the time
And I need help figuring it all out like I am trying to download overload but it hasn't worked yet and how do I scale small having trouble with that
But I have made some stuff lol it is my first time with fine tuner so ya lol you will se what I mean tomorrow
Ok @JMicah4
I am on the server @Kevinairlines @JMicah4
also this is the only server in the world.
@Kevinairlines I got a phone.
Well I got my iPad you got a phone tablet? @JMicah4
So not that one? @JMicah4
oh no there are a bunch of people there already.
@Kevinairlines well I think it' be easier to communicate through steam, that's all. #Server
Do you need it for something? Like a server? Because it is really long lol and I hate spelling it @JMicah4
@Kevinairlines well it's a family PC also what is your steam username, if you use steam.
And what server? @JMicah4
Why if you don't mind me asking:) @JMicah4
@Kevinairlines yeah but let me switch computers first I can't use my perfered one anymore.
You on now? Please @JMicah4
Cool @JMicah4
@Kevinairlines same here exept I want one a bit cheaper.
Sorry sorry sorry sorry I am not allowed now :(
The struggles of having a family pc only 1690$ away from my own @JMicah4
how about this
@Kevinairlines kk
foundone @JMicah4
Ok I can be on in 10 and be on for 30 :) @JMicah4
@Kevinairlines well I don't really have permission either, we'll have to use someone elses server.
Ok you what to play multiplayer? Oh and btw I cannot host my dad Said no to the hosting:( @JMicah4
Ok thanks @saturn28
Ok lol @JMicah4