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Corporate Examination, Military Vehicle, M252 Stallion Armored Fighting Vehicle

3,942 Alix451  7.8 years ago

The M252 is an armored 8x8 combat vehicle designed to deliver and support troops to a frontline. It is armed with the same turret and cannon as the M7 Dragon, a 30mm M15A1 revolver cannon (not a Gatling gun, look it up) and a 7.62mm coaxial.

The M252 is ideal for environments where the all terrain mobility of a tracked vehicle isn't so important. However, during testing it was noted that the M252 possessed average cross-terrain mobility, albeit not as good as a tracked vehicle of similar capability, such as an M7 Dragon. Strategic mobility is a plus with the 252, as it is much lighter than it's tracked counterpart, and could theoretically be parachuted out of a plane to support airborne troops.

Armor protection had to be light to support the 8x8 concept, so resistance against 14.5mm rounds is standard. This armor can be bolstered with appliqué armor as well as slat armor to protect against HEAT rounds. The same could be said for the Dragon, where it can resist it's own cannon at any range.

The M252 can seat 6-10 troops. It is unfortunately not amphibious, recommend adding such capability, as water jet propulsion is not a new concept

Firepower wise, the Stallion is nothing to scoff at. Nobody likes it when you are being shot with flechettes or canister or god forbid little 30mm HEAT rounds setting your buddies on fire. The M252 also receives a two-shot pop up TOW launcher. The commander has the space for a pintos machine gun, but the gunners hatch may need some shifting to the side to accompany an M60D or M2.

Ergonomically, the M252 receives top marks. The only thing the testers had was more of an opinion: that the commanders hatch is a bit tall and could present a larger target. However opinion on this matter varies. The driver soars comfortably on the left side of the vehicle, with the engine to his right. The gunner shares the turret with the commander.

In summary, the M252 is a vehicle with excellent capabilities for its purpose, and would serve well in an expeditionary or airborne role.
After testing, it was decided to acquire both the M252 and M7 Dragon, at a contractor discount of course :)