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boats.. with guns... gunboats

36.3k DbE  7.7 years ago

so ive been trying to make a boat. propulsion was using a prop engine. turns out they dont do so well underwater. any ideas on how to make a boat using props? (no props above water ive done that)

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    @Stellarlabs no problem

    7.7 years ago
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    36.3k DbE

    @EternalDarkness thanks this will help. i have seen VTOL nozzles on ships before but i never really thought of it.

    7.7 years ago
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    @Stellarlabs the props have to be thick, like boat props. That requires XML editing (in game files or by using Overload mod). Since you are relatively new to the game, you can take some from my ships. The most recent ones don't use those props, so try older ones. Also, I never use them for actual propulsion. They are mostly for decoration. What I do is place a VTOL engine somewhere above the water, and place a VTOL nozzle rotated on its side, set to turn with Roll, somewhere near the bow or the stern.

    7.7 years ago
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    36.3k DbE

    NOTE: ive seen people have props underwater so i know its plausable.

    7.7 years ago