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i want this. please.

36.3k DbE  7.7 years ago

auto aim turrets.. so i dont have to move trim and VTOL to find out the target has moved.
just a part the acts like a AI controlled ball hinge. would help alot.
or like a swivel AI... or. you get it. i want it.

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    @AeroEngineering You could probably rig up a gyro to handle the auto leveling, as for shooting, first person is typically the most accurate but I understand the point here is auto-aim.

    7.7 years ago
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    @F104Deathtrap I agree, but a ball joint that would automatically level the aircraft when put into a 3d person gunner view would be nice. From that view you the turrets would jut point where your cursor is. It would be much more convienent.

    7.7 years ago
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    I just throw my pitch and roll controls onto AG8, and turret controls to AG1 or AG2. When I want to aim, I enable mouse aiming, level out the plane, hit 8 + 1, shoot the other guy down, and then hit 8 + 1 again to go back to flying. Works with missiles, too.

    7.7 years ago