It would just say " was 4.99" with the button to download it above that and so it won't let buy it then or I don't know how to let it let me buy it, please help!!!
It would just say " was 4.99" with the button to download it above that and so it won't let buy it then or I don't know how to let it let me buy it, please help!!!
That's odd. I'm no Android user, so I can't really help. @serpant
I got it from underground. @Awsomur
I mean it's not showing the thing to let me buy it, it won't show 4.99 to buy or in amazon coins @Awsomur it's weird.
Then buy it. Can't you spare $5? @serpant
@Awsomur yea but I want to buy simple planes so I can't get the new update 😠.
Are you using Amazon Underground? Because it's being shutdown.