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im thinking making my own baja

2,470 Smasher  7.7 years ago

yeah ive got a 2016 gt Mustang my neighbor used to own but then he lent it to his mate who went over a speed bump too fast and well wrecked the wheels tires and suspension and he didn't want to buy replacement suspension wheels and tires so he offered me it for £500 so i bought it and now im thinking of converting it into a baja and well i have the time money and space since i sold the lancia to a American who was a avid car collecter and heres a copy and paste link to the image of the same spec car just in better condition (

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    2,470 Smasher

    @Botfinder raid is like rally but with trucks

    7.7 years ago
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    2,470 Smasher

    @Botfinder and raid isn't extreme off road rock bouncers are true extreme off road

    7.7 years ago
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    2,470 Smasher

    @Botfinder and the is a 1969 Mustang boss baja 500 somewhere in Mexico

    7.7 years ago
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    2,470 Smasher

    @Botfinder raid and baja are very different baja is a cross country whilst raid is a set curcuit and the suspension is way different and raid trucks are built from stock truck whilst baja is completely custom built frames i there for would only be using the body work and baja has to be a naturally asperated but with raid you have turbos and centralfugle super charger and theres also a lot more types of baja this includes baja 500 the wimps alternative baja 1000 baja 2000 and finally baja unlimited with raid you only have two main types t1 or t2 t1 being the big rigs and t2 being things like land rover and ect and ive built one or two baja 1000 my self

    7.7 years ago
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    Sounds cool!

    7.7 years ago