The name has been chosen... the Disfer D.880 Elysee.
Well, it's been a bit since I built an actual plane, so yeah, I'm slowly coming back into building them, so I thought I might show a teaser of Mein neueste schöpfung! (my newest creation for the ones who don't use translators)
So yeah, this baby might be out in a few days to a week, but yeah. Feel free to give any feedback or constructive criticism. I'd love to hear it.
Sorry bout that, also to say I've been working severely on this thing for the past two days, it's near completion. @Solarisaircraft
Yay! I was gonna use it for another prop plane of mine, but it wouldn't fly...@DisferGoatz
No problem @FrankieB
@DisferGoatz thank you
Congrats! You name (Elysee) has been chosen! @Solarisaircraft

Does not have to be in the red text
it has been a long time since I have been on here, how do you put images on posts
All will be considered. @Solarisaircraft
Disfer Elysee, Disfer Zenith, Disfer Pinnacle, Disfer Motora.
Thanks! @BrianAircraftsNew @BritishNarwhal7 @ChaMikey
Thanks! @SHCow
Not bad @FlyingThings
It's on the list.
@DisferGoatz you could call it, äääähhhhhmmmmmm, Orango.
Lol @FlyingThings
It was a brave effort.
Hmmm, call it Bob.
Yes like that @FlyingThings
@SazonAir ehh... GoatzTransport is okay, it's on the list.
Nein, ich bin nicht deutsch (No I am not German)
What do you mean with name for it. Like its nickname or something like CX-239 'Blabber' .
Ah. That's fine :)@WEAPONSMITH
Got any ideas for a name?