Sorry, my English is not good But that affects my submarine very much
Well s**t. @Toxicareonuatics
pulls out multiple gun designs that We’re made to fire under water @Awsomur
Well that's super unrealistic then. @AdrianFlyingAce
Umm, machine guns don't work underwater. No guns do. A torpedo dose but not firearms. @2411181496
@Awsomur Rockets and machine guns are not
All weapons will die when underwater, it just how it works in game and IRL.
Well s**t.
pulls out multiple gun designs that We’re made to fire under water @Awsomur
Well that's super unrealistic then. @AdrianFlyingAce
Umm, machine guns don't work underwater. No guns do. A torpedo dose but not firearms. @2411181496
@Awsomur Rockets and machine guns are not
All weapons will die when underwater, it just how it works in game and IRL.