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A Small Addition to Gyroscopes

50 Someonetotheleft  7.6 years ago

I absolutely love the new gyroscopes from the update but there are 2 things that I wish they could also do.

-Gyroscopes should have an option to hold their position that they are put in. For example, If I pitched my aircraft upward, I want it to stay at the angle it is pitched at when I let go of the contols.

-I also want gyroscopes to have some sort of X-Z axis lock. So if I was flying a drone and moved on the X and or Z plane, when I let go of the joysticks the gyro will automatically stop the drone from moving around the X and Z plane only allowing the aircraft to move up and down.

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    A gyro can't do that. It's the autopilot that does that... @Botfinder

    7.6 years ago
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    105k Kerbango

    You can set your gyro for an activation group and once you turn the gyro off by disabling the activation group it will hold it's position, same thing with VTOL keeping same thrust level after the activation group is disabled. I am pretty sure, I will double check. Yep it is true. @Shmexysmpilot

    7.6 years ago
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    What I want is gor the gyros to have a limitless option...

    +1 7.6 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    These were my thoughts exactly when we first got them. They're amazing, but holding position instead of reverting back to the original position (and especially holding yaw position) would make them so much better

    7.6 years ago