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Tank tips

523 ICESX  7.6 years ago

Can anyone give me tips on tank building, any tips and tricks

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    47.9k Phantomium

    When building tanks, you always start out by building the hull.
    You usually make a turret by first building its base shape and then place it on a rotator. Then, you select the rotator AND the turret with all their pieces and nudge them so that it will all roughly look like a tank.
    From here on, you can add a gun (or guns), MGs, different details like buckets, lodges, tools, boxes and such and, of course, wheels.
    The thing about the wheels is to always make them tractor ones as they seem to have the best traction on both soft and rough terrain.
    I recently made a tutorial on how to make a tank cannon. Remember that you will have to place it on a rotator so that it can elevate.

    I recommend you to check out some of my recent tanks as they are good examples of tank builds. Sadly, you can't add tracks so you'll be stuck with tanks that can go as fast as 190 mph.

    +1 7.6 years ago