Can I get anyone whom may have a lot of knowledge about this game, please step forward, and tell me anything and everything?
I am New here, Can I get a developer to explain how this game works?
322 PlainPlaneTech
7.7 years ago
First Plane
[First Plane(]
@PlainPlaneTech good luck on your way =D
Ohh, Thanks for letting me know@ChasingHorizon
For the information
@MechWARRIOR57 @ChasingHorizon @BirdOfSteel @FennVectorCWA @helilover03 @Awsomur @Supercraft888 @RailfanEthan, Thank you all very much!
Welcome to SP. As you can tell by the boat loads of comments, we're the nicest community on the internets.
To start off, play the tutorial and get a basic feel for the game, then create an account (which you already did), read the rules, then post an airplane on this site.
Play the in-game tutorial. It'll explain everything.
Watch your mouth. He may deserve it but that doesn't call for profanity. @Thefalloutplayr
@ChasingHorizon yea
You can ask me anything, it is my duty to help anybody and provide the best i can
if someone removes his upvotes you still have the points. By the way I'm BirdOfSteel the guy wth the stupid cat pic xD
go through the tutorials
@Testin123 K den
@PlainPlaneTech Welcome! ^3^ I'm not much help, but if you ever need suspension, you know who to go to. Mwa.
1 minute, I have 30 points next minute, XjayIndustries removes all of his past upvotes just because he hates me
0 = no rank/white
100 = bronze
1000 = silver
5000 = gold
25000= platinum
Platinum is the highest rank that you can get to unless they add a new one in the future.
@PlainPlaneTech no problem, Have fun...
@XjayIndustrys no problem
@Dllama4 cool
Upvote to Point Conversion:
1 upvote = 15 points
1 forum post upvote = 2 points
1 mod post upvote = 25 points
And if someone makes a successor to your plane and it gets an upvote = 7 points
Thanks M8
BTW, I like your Gravitar. Humer goes a long way.