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New idea for a rp country.

32.4k TheAceOwl  7.6 years ago

For a while now ive been thinking on this and want to hear what you think. The nation of Ireland doesnt have the potato famine and so the population stays strong. During the industrial revolution, Ireland evolved along with England, turning it into a power house. With more wealth the Irish start to put into effect a seperation from the UK. In 1905 Ireland becomes its own nation, annexing Northern Ireland. At the start of WW1, Ireland stayed neutral but many went over seas to fight for Germany,who, many thought as more of a ally then their neighbor. On this timeline the US stays out of the war on effect that the Germans made sure not to sink any ocean liners, so the Entente was pushed to Paris then on 1918, peace broke out, with the Central powers ahead. Parts of France, Belgium, and large chunks of Russian are ceded to Germany. After the war, many Irish returned in a heroes welcome, some of those men became politicians. I plan on setting the starting date at January 1st, 1923. This will mean that the previous aircraft I've made will only come into effect in the 40's. Might have a number of German imports along the way. The way the years will move is that through every 500 points my profile goes up, a year passes at first, quarter of a year in war time.

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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech Mhmm, I like that idea.

    7.6 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Ugh it cut off my post but basically speaking, even if the Potato famine had occurred, no doubt a strongly united Ireland would have possessed it's own navy and merchant fleet and likely could have traded with other strong Catholic enclaves like France, Italy, Spain and even the Americas.

    7.6 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Well, Germania still wouldn't exist without WW1 it would be Imperial Germany. ;-)
    Poland never would have regained independence, it would have remained divided between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Imperial Russia. Even without the war the Bolsheviks would have started the revolution, however, without the profusion of disgruntled trained soldiers AND military equipment to fall into revolutionary hands its unlikely it would have succeeded. With the failure of the revolution in Russia Finland's declaration of independence would have failed and it would have remained in Imperial Russian hands.
    Germany would have retained its fairly significant colonial holdings too. In fact Colonialism would have gained in strength without the influence of WW1.
    The Ottoman Empire MIGHT have been able to supress the Arab Revolt and remained intact.
    The Balkans would have remained a hotbed of issues all around but I think between the Ottoman Empire, the Austria-Hungarian Empire and Imperial Russia eventually the territories would have become absorbed. More likely by the latter two.
    The situation would not have remained static however, American and French style Democracy would have continued to influence peoples in these Monarchist states and I am certain Communism/Socialism wouldn't have completely disappeared from discourse with the failure of the Russian Revolution. The 20s and 30s may have seen a whole rash of civil wars being waged and when weakened by internal strife - the potential for external powers attempting to make land/power grabs would rise too.
    My concept on Ireland becoming a new power, is for it to be the United Kingdoms of Ireland. These would be Ulaid (in the north), Connacht (in the west), Laighin (in the southeast), Mumhan (in the south) and Mide (in the centre,) each ruled by their own King with a rotation of High Kings reigning from one of these or another through intermarriage. (This is based on Irish history prior to the English attempts at conquest.) What do you think of that idea?
    You would be surprised how ONE event happening or not happening can change the outcome of the course of history. Think back in your' life, I'm sure you can find strange pivot points in your' life, minor events that actually changed the very course your' life would take. Now think about it from a national or global level. In Ireland the Normans and Irish eventually came to an understanding, formed the Union of Kingdoms and were strong enough to repel their neighbor'

    7.6 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech mhmm, all just from one event not happening.

    7.6 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Seems you AND I have been thinking about C&C Games. XD In our Imperial Germania/Se Suomi Imperiumi game, Ireland had remained a power and was a traditional trading partner with both the Greater Kingdom of Portugal as well as Se Suomi Imperiumi, which I included in some posts but probably not tagged right. Anyway, I think a reboot on the setting might be fun with Ireland being a significant power - starting in the 20s?

    7.6 years ago