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How do you get points?

215 kenny2005  7.4 years ago

Can someone please tell me how to get points, I don't know how.

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    101k Kerbango

    When you build a plane and are finished and satisfied with the final product, you share/upload it, make sure to take a good picture to get attention to the build, make sure to make a good description telling how the plane flies, drives or floats. Tell a story on why you made it or just make something up.
    Don't copy other people's planes, Everybody is watching, Everybody Knows.
    This is a really tight-knit community. We all look out for each other.
    It takes time, eventually you'll get followers, eventually you will get people liking your stuff and giving you upvotes. Plus it all takes time for you to become a really good Builder.
    Give other people upvotes, surf this website often, comment, become people's friends and then you will get Followers and upvotes.
    This is the social part of the game.

    +1 7.4 years ago
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    8,104 LofiTurtle

    Upvotes on planes and forum posts get you points

    7.4 years ago