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I feel like my things don't get enough attention, really really stressed ( fine now, no longer "stressed")

1,126 serpant  7.6 years ago

So my things I usually worked for around 5 hours each over the course of 2 days for each thing I make doesn't get enough attention and it seems as the I make just get judged by how they look, as goes with the saying "don't judge a book by its cover, ( its without a ' is possessive while its with a ' stands for " it is" many people get this the other way around and wrong) my stuff really should get more attention, it's really stressful for me when my things I pour my heart, blood and soul into for all off you guys and girls, but in the end my stuff I work to before I go brain dead making these things, just barely get any attention!!!!!!!!!

P.S: stressed while writing this from what little attention I get for my things that I work my fingers to the bone to make

P.S.S I just ask that you all to actually take notice to me and thank you for those read and also please tell more people about this just so they know how stressed I am if you want.

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    6,005 Lahoski107

    @serpant your welcome

    7.6 years ago
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    1,126 serpant

    @Lahoski107 I felt kinda bummed taking that time to make stuff on my creation beworking, but just to have very few notice. It seems as though you are the first on to notice the time I said take on creations. I'm no longer stressed about stuff. Thank you.

    7.6 years ago
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    6,005 Lahoski107

    @MechWARRIOR57 you are right, points don't indicate anything, but @serpant would like at least a little bit of credit for something that takes him 5-8 hours to build and upload

    7.6 years ago
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    1,126 serpant

    @MechWARRIOR57 @Flightsonic @Shmexysmpilot what I mean see the points as off how some people see other as popular or talented in building their stuff, even though the points are completely worthless, as the points are dirt, anyways I'm not the best at explaining how I see people with points and all that stuff. Because I work hard on all the things I make pouring 10 to 5 hours of work in total on each thing. You all have made me realize the points have no purpose, and oh yeah I forgot mention I never did try making my stuff look good, so my fault, well I'll try to make my stuff functional and appealing to the eyes. Thank you all for the support.

    7.6 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    And it may seem like points are the only factor, but they're not. The reason "good" builders get lots of upvotes is bc of their follower base, and they've spent a lot of time practicing their building techniques. I'm by no means a pro builder, in skill or points, but I'm better and have more followers than when I was bronze. That means my planes get more attention, and they're better than some of my first, even if I tried my hardest on them. Time on an individual plane won't make it amazing, it'll make it as good as you can do. You need lots of practice on many planes to make significant strides towards build quality

    7.6 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    When I was really into building, I would end up spending at least 7 hours a day, from somewhere like 7PM to 2AM, for at least a week working on detail alone... I didn't even know if it could fly! Then I would have to make it work, in whatever way that was. But never did I think "This will probably get some upvotes", I built it for fun, this isn't a job where you have to work to get paid and put food on the table, and therefore you shouldn't be saying you're "stressed", and I know what stress feels like lol

    7.6 years ago
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    no! points have no indication on how good someone is! this are aircraft that you made, just but cause you send a few hours on something doesn't mean it automaticly deserves 30+ upvotes! I spent 16 hours on my FT Soyuke and I got only 4 or so votes? but I should have worked harder, and longer, but you know what? I didn't make a huge post about it, they are fake internet points that don't matter! @serpant

    7.6 years ago
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    1,126 serpant

    Points sometimes indicate how good person is, meaning people will notice them more than others

    7.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    You are literally complaining about not getting enough useless internet points that have next to no value on the site itself... what has this world come to?

    7.6 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Tbh mc Donald's food looks like someone regurgitated horse dung into a tacky wrapper, but still tastes ok. Probably healthier eating the dung tho. @jamesPLANESii

    7.6 years ago
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    @PlanesOfOld Yeah I know! But some of that food is actually quite nice...

    7.6 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    I know the type of restaurant you mean, a FRENCH restaurant! I can sa that, I'm English and its well established that France and England love nothing more than taking the p**s out of each other, mainly due to historical conflict and monarchy but hey, at least spotted dick looks tasty, no? Anyone for a plate of Toad in the hole (amphibian not included) It can't be as bad as frog legs (100%amphibian) and snails (insert mr creosote vomiting here) surely?? @jamesPLANESii

    7.6 years ago
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    @serpant Ok. Some tips.
    -Full the whole picture with your aeroplane, and make it so you can see the whole thing. I recommend taking it from an angle similar to what I take with my planes.
    -Give your planes a nice paint scheme. The default colour doesn't draw the eye. Make the colours have good contrast as well, and make possibly one of the colours white.

    7.6 years ago
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    1,126 serpant

    @jamesPLANESii I know it's just stressful when you pour your heart, blood, sweat, and soul into every thing you make just for it to not get noticed, I been trying to become a bigger user of the past year and I'm not very good at making my things look appealing to the eyes and I'm not a very good artist like bunch of people like Mr.mecha ( not very if he\she is a real artist) I know trying to get more points and people to notice me takes. Leaving the simpleplanes community doesn't sound do bad to me!

    7.6 years ago
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    Presentation is just as important as the content. For example, a restaurant sells a plate of food that looks absolutely revolting, but tastes really delicious. People probably still won't buy it.
    Also, becoming good takes time. You can't just become the best in the world instantly.

    7.6 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    I have the slightest feeling that @TheLatentImage will be ever so slightly, um, 'Triggered' by this here attention-post.

    7.6 years ago