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If you make cars here, you will like what you are about to hear

5,991 LimitedShelf568  7.7 years ago

I have good news and I have bad news. I will begin with the good news.

After dozens of failures, I have finally discovered a method to create bona fide piston driven engines with up to four seperate piston cycles. I will not go into too much detail as to how it works for two reasons. One because the way it works is hilariously simple and obscure, and two because I don't want anyone to steal it. What I will say is that it is an adaptation the four stroke engine, that power comes from the pistons, that it need to be cranked up just like a real engine, and that I did use xml modding though it is possible without it. When I do post it, reverse engineering it will be fairly simple and I hope that people will improve it in ways that I have not though of; there are multiple similar approaches that will work in theory.

The bad news is that there is no transmission or differential at this time. I know that both are possible as I have made both, but I haven't been able to make one that works well enough yet to be used with the engine. If you want to help me out, an ideal testing rig would be one using vtol nozzles about a rod to turn the gears.

Thanks if you read this, and spread the word; I'll post within 2 weeks. It will either be the engine and a car to go with it, or just the engine depending on how much progress I make.