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Issues with Gyroscope Settings and Movement

4 Marxon1134  7.6 years ago

3 things here. Firstly turning auto orient does not function as expected, it simply causes issues with the gyroscope picking its placement direction as the desired angle.

Second, exceeding the limits of rotation for any active gyro causes buggy and unstable rotational movement. (doing a barrel roll with 180 degree roll limit either causes plane to spin out or lock up rotation when upside down)

Third, There is no method of getting gyroscopes to only provide torque and not automatic self righting, as even if limits are maxed, setting Gyroscope Stability to 0 completely disables movement of the gyro on pitch and roll axis, and anything above zero causes it to self right as there's no heading hold.

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    2,167 AltF4U

    when i make helicopters or quadcopters the Gyroscope usually turns the aircraft left via Yaw and i can’t stop that..

    6.7 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    @Alienbeef0421 disabling auto orient makes the gyro wonky, but it's pretty expected I think. You might be right about the. barrel roll thing, but it's the gyros job to keep barrel rolls and stuff from happening so probably just disable their activation group for doing things like that. For third point however, i absolutely agree with you. There's been a couple builds I've wanted to make where I needed torque but no stability and I couldn't do it

    7.6 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    Well if you barrel roll you can disable the gyro

    +2 7.6 years ago