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New parts and weapons

2,539 squideater56  7.6 years ago

Hi im a mobile user and for simple planes i have a few new parts ideas, and a few new weapons, hopefully all added to pc and mobile. So ive been playing on snowstone for a while and ive noticed that the ice base has been a pain when trying to destroy its turrets. Yet when i build a drone without the cockpit on it and leave the cockpit at the airport, the drone is undetected, so i got to thinking and got and idea.

so the first part o thought of is a lock on camera. And what i mean is the camera does the same thing as the cockpit can, it locks onto things when you have missiles. And that way players and build new and intresting things with drones that are able to lock on for you, and that can give the ability to have longer ranged missiles that can reach from the snowstone airport all the way to the ice base. You can even have it so thay the drone can fire the missiles, so instead of have to have the missiles directly attached to the creation the cockpit is on, we can have drones with missiles and the cam to destroy stuff.

The second part is a heavy cannon. A weapon with a slower fire rate then the wing gun and more damage than the mini gun. A cannon which can destroy bridges. That way players can build working tanks with a fully working cannon. Maybe add tracks

Then my final idea is that we often build cars and stuff, but we never have proper headlights that can light up the runway during the nights of simpleplane, so i was thinling of a new catagory for lights that holds headlight blocks, many taking the shape of structure blocks. Headlights that are bright and have dynamic lighting. Allowing players to truly light up the road for whats to come for their creations. Thats all i had. Hope a dev sees this^^

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    2,539 squideater56

    We also need props that work underwater so we can have even more acurate boats, like instead of the prop having the engine built onto it, as all current props are, we have unpowered props that we can put under the water and attached them to like a car motor and the prop will work under the water

    7.6 years ago
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    2,539 squideater56

    @Planeengineer31625324 like actual heli rotors? Instead of using plane engines XD

    7.6 years ago
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    @squideater56 we need heli props

    7.6 years ago
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    2,539 squideater56

    OH! Hey guys, you know what else we need? Either new wheel hubs, or the ability to add stuff onto the wheels, so we can have like classic dome hubs, we could use the hemosphere piece in strutural and put it onto the wheel and make that classic hub

    7.6 years ago
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    2,539 squideater56

    @Alienbeef0421 also and with which one that locks on, its what ever one your on

    7.6 years ago
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    2,539 squideater56

    @Alienbeef0421 No with the camera it does the same thing as the cockpit, if there is a target in site of it it will lock on to it and you can change targets like the cockpit can. And the rescale of the cockpit wont work because the missile launchers will still lock onto you, and also mobile cant rescale parts

    7.6 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    Problem is, with locking cameras you have to decide which one locks.

    Workaround: Scale the cockpit to (1,1,0.1).

    7.6 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    @FlyingFanatic yeah, I realized that few seconds ago

    7.6 years ago
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    yes! we need the camera and the lights!

    7.6 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    @HellFireCoder @AndrewGarrison

    7.6 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    Yeah, the cannon would be cool... And the lock on camera may be used on bombs'n'stuff, I think that they should add guidance block and heat seeking block, laser guidance and countermeasure (not sure did I write it correctly).

    7.6 years ago