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A bit of good old Atomic Age British History!

471 FlyingFartbag  7.6 years ago

Goodday, chaps! Foreword: There are no German spies in here are there? YOU! TRYING TO SNEAK OUT OF THE BACK! SMITH, ISN'T IT? THERE AREN'T ANY GERMAN SPIES IN HERE? Smith: "Nein! Nein, nein! Nei-" me: NINE GERMAN SPIES?!? WILSON! PULL OUT YOUR REVOLVER AND SHOOT NINE MEN! Wilson: "Yes sir! BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! Reloading, SIR! me: Very good. Wilson: BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! me: WILSON! YOU SHOT ME! Wilson: Sorry, SIR! me: It's okay. Bloody Nora. (Here's the story.) Alright! The Jerrys were a step further than us, with there fancy new ME-262. Christ on a bike! That thing is fast! So, being British, we had to go and make ourselves some shiny new jet fighters. The gloster meteor! The larger than Hitler's ego twin jet interceptor! Now the RAF made more Mk's of this plane than I can count! Our jet engines were so loud, that you combine that with a few .303s, and goodness me, you've got something louder than two skeletons making love on a tin roof! They were soooo good, that the Russians wanted them! We said yes, BUT ONLY FOR CIVILIAN USE! Oh they said "Sure!" But what was the first thing they did when they got home with their new shiny jet engines? They put them in their cool new Stalinium fighters! We had a MAJOR PROBLEM! But what we didn't know, they would put the boot on the 1,000 Year Reich! Only for them to turn around and betray us! Gloster! Go! Korean War! I hope you enjoyed this comical story. Read it again while I go get patched up from when WILSON SHOT ME!