I need foldable props for my next Projekts. If you dont know what i mean Google : foldable props for RC planes. Or: http://www.greatplanes.com/airplanes/gpma1815-prop-lg.jpg
I need foldable props for my next Projekts. If you dont know what i mean Google : foldable props for RC planes. Or: http://www.greatplanes.com/airplanes/gpma1815-prop-lg.jpg
@GINGER01 yes, but the engine is to big and dont look like i want to i want a engine that looks like „Blade T100" with foldable Blades.
@Benny3053 have you tried the enginesout and the limitless spin mod?
@GINGER01 I don't find it... But thanks for the help:)
you could go to the mod section and there is a mod which allows you to make your own propellers, I believe.