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Stop the 1 shot from a machine=death

11.6k Sol  7.7 years ago

So anytime I try to attack the aa truck convoy with my heli, I get destroyed from 1 machine gun bullet...and its really annoying, even with layers and layers of parts: you still explode.

Add a health bar for each part depending on size, thickness etc.

So a 0.5 wide and 0.5 long fuselage part has a health of 50 and the machine gun bullet deals 25 damage

Who agrees?

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    There is a way, you can go to Xml mod and put Health to 1E+30, that will be like 999999999999999 bullets=not a scratch so its invincible ? no, any explosions will be able to destroy your craft.

    3.0 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    I agree, my AH-1 isn't survivable at all...and when I was making it, I was experimenting multi-block skin, and it didn't work, so I scratched the idea.

    5.7 years ago
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    Yep, this is annoying, one bullet = death. Maybe add durability to parts and make them not explode and if you hit wing, fuel will start pouring

    7.7 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Sorry, I didnt understand what you meant from the beginining I thought you meant this shouldnt be implemented.@BACconcordepilot

    7.7 years ago
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    47.8k FlyingThings

    I agree that we should have 'Realistic' damage in game, but what i think would be easier, for both PC and mobile, is that one part simply falls off from your creation. If it is a really high detailed and high part build it would be hard to schoot down, and a small, begginner type build would still be shredded.
    But you could ask someone to make a mod out of this. I heard some guy called @mushr00m could do that. He does a lot of mods.

    7.7 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Build what right? a part that has no fuel/flammable stuff still results in a explosion and chain reaction which is unrealistic...
    I dont know why your against a suggestion that will greatly improve this game@BACconcordepilot

    7.7 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    The game wouldnt fun/challenging, as blackvulture mentioned, being lets say shot in the wing, you either crashland which is really fun, rather than blow up@BACconcordepilot

    7.7 years ago
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    @ProKillaV12 I think any of these solutions migth be good,this game needs the situation of "I,ve lost roll controll, lets try to land somewhere" because most times is like "you are shot/hit/scratched by something=death"

    7.7 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    How would slow the game down? Its acctually gonna make it go faster, so if you had a plane with 500 bombs stored in a nuclear bomb proof box and 1 wing gun bullet hit the box everything in their explodes which is what would happen

    Instead with this update it would take alot more shots@BACconcordepilot

    7.7 years ago
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    good idea!

    7.7 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    I used machine gun bullet as an example, but ok

    But, one shot wont blow everything, atleast leave some survivor parts@MechWARRIOR57

    7.7 years ago
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    its not a machine gun, its a 57mm bofors gun (probably, but no further proof or de-bunking. so lets just say it is a bofors) this I meant for taking down an aircraft in just a couple hits. also just think of it like a challenge, like you have to evade the shells or something

    7.7 years ago