There are a lot of iOS folks in SimplePlanes.
Some of us, who can mod, try to help our iOS counterparts with modded parts. In the interest of aiding our iOS friends in finding the parts they need (simple parts, not all jumbled together with other parts), I ask that an "iOS" or "For iOS" tag be added.
This might cut down on a dupliction of effort.
@Ninjacodersc2010 or plugins, change the name to plugins or adddons
just gonna keep this tab open for….. purposes
@Ninjacodersc2010 anyway like i said, mods just need to be changed to addons and ios would let us, and to prove my point, head into the app store, go to search, and do “addons for minecraft” there are TONS but i have not seen a single “mods for minecraft”
@AndrewGarrison i dont mean to argue or anything like that but… well, the last thing you said isnt really true, if you look at all of the minecraft mods, apple does let 3rd party apps and websites (mac) run code in another app, so i think maybe if the mods was changed to addons ios would let them be added to simpleplanes. again, i dont want to start an argument
everyone who said you are not going to do that just got rekt. R.I.P.
Thank You, @TheNightmare811
The side site would be minimal effort on SP's part. Just an overwatch of the iOS Mod's.
Very interesting idea! @ProvingMars
I didn't realize we could bullet comments.
- line starts with a hyphen then a space.
- - hyphen space, hyphen space
- - - three of them here.
I don't get it. It worked below. Maybe the blue text started it.
@AndrewGarrison @TheNightmare811 @SlowJet @MrVaultech @jamesPLANESii @FlyingFanatic
You might want to skip to the blue text below...
I think there is a easiest path solution. A single link, on this end. That goes to a page with links (maybe sub-pages), broken up by catagory. The outside links come straight back to
A few Mod's/Administrators are selected for the iOS users (answerable to the Developers.) They should be knowledgable in the mechanics of the side site, as it will be their responsibility to set-up the site, and manage it, but SP Dev's should have over all control (to protect SimplePlanes.) But, it should be left up to the "iOS Mod's" to work out what works best for iOS, and which build links go in what catagory.
They could even have a second side forum devoted to iOS build issue. Of course, the site should be open to all users, reguardless of platform. Those non-iOS users, with a curious nature, might learn something about the working without mods or xml access. Might even help them build better.
OK In a nutshell.
Thank You, All, for your patience. I did not bother to pre-draft... Probably should have.
@AndrewGarrison Ok, thanks for clearing that up.
@TheNightmare811 Because the only way to add a map to SP is through a mod, and mods can also support code. Apple does not allow 3rd party code to run inside an app.
@AndrewGarrison @ProvingMars Sorry if this causes either of you any bother:
Yep, the so-called "mods" should be re-named "add-ons" so that Apple accept them as being appropriate for their policy, just like the fact that the downloadable aircraft, etc; could be considered to be "mods". Why is a downloadable map a "mod" when a downloadable plane is not?
I would like to thank you, both, for you input on this subject. It just annoys me that the iOS guys are so hampered by the mod restriction. We often take for granted that we can just tap Overload or Fine Tuner, or open the xml file to change some connections. The folks on iOS have to post a request and ask for help. Then, wait and hope.
. It is a pitty, because there are some fine iOS designers in the community.
After some more looking through the parts section, that thought had just occured to me. Part of the problem is the one-stop format many have taken. It does not lend itself well to a search, for, lets say rotators. There might be some hits, but will there bewhat you are looking for?
This almost needs a MOD's assistance and a special section on the site. The section mainly would be to help the iOS guys, but all can access it. But, only a MOD can shift a post into it, and only if it has merit. @jamesPLANESii
I saw a landing gear an hour or two ago on Newest
You would get exactly the same results as you would if you searched iOS too. @ProvingMars
Found the hinge, but not the landing gear on page 2, but take a look, it's hidden.
@FlyingFanatic Exagerate much??? I was on page three and still had not found a single modified landing gear, much less hinge rotator set to landing gear. I am talking about rather common parts here. @MrVaultech Yes, parts is the better or the two.
Parts is the most important one of these two, so it shouldn't be too long
@MrVaultech @jamesPLANESii @FlyingFanatic There are many things grouped there. How long does it take to search?
@MrVaultech I agree.
Theres a tag called "XML" and a tag called "Parts", how come those don't work?