I've started to assemble a line of replica rockets (accurate weight, dimensions, etc.) Propelled using missiles for the fancy smoke effects. I already have a Tiny Tim and an HVAR completed. My question is, what rocket would you like to see me make?
Edit: give me those guided rocket requests as well, I should be able to make those work too
@Blue0Bull I should be able to do that. Some early tests with guided missiles went well enough. I'll need a really light warhead though, could you make that for me? It would be a x0.25 scale boom 25 with nearly no weight
@Shmexysmpilot noice!
@Gemista Sweet. It'll have to be a tiny bit thicker than its supposed to be (like 1/16 of a block) but I'll get to work on it!
@Shmexysmpilot YES!!
@Razor3278 yeah I think that's the one he was taking about
@Gemista you mean the british rp-3 rockets?
@Gemista this one?
I don't know what they are called, but they are British, and from WWII, and they have a very fat warhead. (They were used on the Hawker Typhoon)