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How To Make A Blue Clickable Links, Big Blue Words And Long Lines

29.1k TigerEye35  7.7 years ago

To make a blue clickable links.

Put any words inside this ----> [ hello ]

After you put any words inside this ----> [ hello ]

Put any links like this ----> [ hello ]

After you put any links like this ----> [ hello ]

Then copy a link and put a link inside this ----> ( )

Putting a link inside this ---- ( )
It look like this [ hello ]

To make a big blue words.

Put this ----># in front of the words.

Like this #hello

After you put this ----> # in front of the words

You need you press enter and make a big blue words.

Like this hello

i am bob

Blue Clickable Links Facts:

Blue clickable links can work on comments, player bios, forums and mod descriptions.

Big Blue Words Facts:

Big Blue Words can work on comments, player bios, (Big black words works on player bios) mod descriptions and forums.

Long Line Facts:

Long lines can work on comments, mod descriptions, forums and player bios.

To make a long line.
Just put this ------

That's a long line

I hope you guys enjoy blue clickable words, big blue words and long lines :-)

There a hidden bob on this post.

Find bob.