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My first time shooting.

1,230 Epicfail  7.6 years ago

I have fired nerf guns, paint ball guns and air sof guns but I got a taste of the real thing today. I,m currently at in Texas one of the easiest places to get a fire are. And there was an event going on. They were selling guns for people with gun license only. So I went with my uncle and cousin. There were many gun companies such as chey tec, Barrett, falkor defense, colt firearms and so on. There I got my first gun license. I am turning 19 in a month so this is legal. I decided to get a gun license because of the fun you can have with them without shooting people. The weapons i fired: falkor petra 300 win mag this gun had very little kick to it. Chey tec m200 this sniper is pretty darn cool even made an appearance in battlefield 4 it goes by the name SRR-61. The m-4 carbine this gun was my favorite because of its full auto semi auto and burst fire modes. Mk11 this US military rifle is not for sale on the because of its use in the military but it's really fun. Tec-9 this is so much fun. MG15 reloading is for dead people. 44 magnum hold this gun really tight your hand will never feel the same. And finally the barrel m107. Because the Barrett is made to penetrate armor we got VIP access to fire at a running vehicle. It took my two shots to shut Dow the car but it worked. People were like fire this gun last because it kicks like a mule. While the experience was great it still comes down to one final choice. What gun should I buy. I only shot the Gus I could afford and mk11 is not up for purchase. So what should I buy you guys tell me type in what weapon I should buy and what ever gun gets chosen the most will be mine. I'm already buying the 44 magnum so that's of the list to. Plus tell me what you think about my profile picture. The results will go in on the 14 when they get 50 of each weapon. Bye the way I'm not a killer or have any interest on harming anyone. I just enjoy the thrill the sound and the look of these guns my uncle is an Iraq war veteran and my grandfather was a pilot in the Cold War. Hope you guys know what to pick and see you on the 14nth by the way if your confused about my game because on some of busy post I'm 12 or 13 but on this one I'm 19 there are two people on this account me and my little brother just to clear that up.

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    1,230 Epicfail

    @SlowJet yeah could have told me in advance.

    7.6 years ago
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    47.8k FlyingThings

    @helilover03 not really. Were allowed to use sharp knives and stuff like that. And guns only with a special license (really expensive). And i first need to be 18.

    7.6 years ago
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    1,230 Epicfail

    @MechWARRIOR57 I might just ignore everybody and go with the Petra it looks good it shoots like a DMR. But quicker and with less kick. And is capable of over a mile. But the m4 is so beautiful and I can customize it for free with any parts I want.

    7.6 years ago
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    its fun ain't it?

    7.6 years ago
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    1,230 Epicfail

    @helilover03 the Guns I mentioned in the description are the options. It's a lot to read. Just pretend your in school.

    7.6 years ago
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    47.8k FlyingThings

    Aww. I want to shoot with real guns too, at targets. But its really hard to get one here in germany.

    7.6 years ago
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    1,230 Epicfail

    @helilover03 not an option you have to read the options.

    7.6 years ago
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    1,230 Epicfail

    And this was an event prepared by actuall war veterans so it's not a scam totally professional.

    7.6 years ago