I got a couple pics of my sekrit project... or should I say secret because it's American.
The plane is still under work with modelling, I still have a few bumps to do in the overall shape of it. The thing can't fly, and there aren't any engines or landing gear installed yet, but doing this stuff while having a fun chat with Bjac0 doesn't prove very efficient, but I have a lot of time on my hands now. This will come out on my birth-date, as the annual airplane that gets uploaded (as of course my favorite aircraft is the F-22A). Goodnight, I need sleep.
@BaconEggs Seems downloadable enough for iOS
@BaconRoll 769.
@Sauce Oh I'm finished, everything's in, it's all working.
@BaconEggs and by a peek i mean an unlisted version of your current progress, if it's possible :)
@BaconEggs Nice profile picture
@Sauce Yap, I'm detailing the sh8 out of my F-22, I actually put the model inside of your and my previous F-22 model, now that I see it, my latest didn't look like it at all
that was a slap in the face
@BaconEggs i actually compared the model to my f-22
damn it's inaccurate
but the details are spot on
@Sauce A.. peek, in what? Better not be inside someone's pa-
Anyway, to answer your other question, do an F-35, or an F-16 to complete the duo of the mod models
ha! coincidence
But are you using the mod to help?
@BaconEggs i would like to take a peek however
@BaconEggs ikr
should i make the f-22 again?
@SlowJet Kim jong un flexing his ego, probabably
@Sauce Yap, He(Or she) made a way to cheat, and it's time to do the youtube stereotypical leach on it for views and ad revenue
I mean, it does require some skill though, and patience.
@BaconEggs ........
yeah i wish @Gestour made the f-22 mesh mod before i started making my f-22 :)
@BaconEggs Triggered
@BaconEggs Hehehe 😏😏
@Sauce, you have met your match.
@Pacman126 Woah that's such a coincidence
Looks a bit like f22