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Highway to SnowStone

74.4k hopotumon  7.2 years ago


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Enter the Challenge

For participants who qualify for round II but can not fight at all still get a chance to advance to round III. Icarus gives a chance by flying straight over the water surface to avoid radar from wright airport to snowstone.
3 participants with the fastest time to snowstone are welcome to round III and get 1, 2, and 3 Upvotes.

Race Over the Water Surface to Snowstone:

  1. F-16 Falcon 10:01 video
  2. Icarrus Star 03:02 video

  3. Wild Icarus 02:59 video

  4. Icarrus Blue Out of fuel on 03:38 video

  5. Icarrus Stealth F-172 07:39 video

  6. Icarrus 02:21 video

  7. FA-50 Golden Eagle Out of Fuel on 07:42 video

  8. Javelin Bronco T-19 04:39 video

  9. Black Paladin 04:18 video

  10. RedFighter Out of Fuel on 02:54 video

  11. NU-90 Belalang 10:01 video

  12. ICAROSSE 07:06 video

The 3 fastest plane up to Snowstone will qualify for the PHASE III.

  1. Icarrus 02:21 => 3 Upvotes
  2. Wild Icarus 02:59 => 2 Upvotes
  3. Icarrus Star 03:02 => 1 Upvote

Flying low about 100 feet in autopilot mode.
Maximum time 10 minutes

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    74.4k hopotumon

    @Awsomur okay Thank You

    7.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    40.2k Awsomur

    Maybe I will, thanks. @hopotumon

    7.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    74.4k hopotumon

    @Awsomur you can try this Challenge

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    LOL true dat. @hopotumon

    7.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    74.4k hopotumon

    @Awsomur the hell is above... Many misilles on there...

    7.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    40.2k Awsomur

    So that's the polar opposite to the Highway to H*ll?

    7.2 years ago