So, I was just messing around with said site and trying to recreate the nuke from Fallout 4, And found out where it's rads would go. I Suggest That You Check It Out. To get to it, search "". I'm not a paid spokesperson for this site.
If you want to see the direction of radiation from a nuclear weapon would go, then go to this site.
215 kenny2005
7.6 years ago
@CaesiciusPlanes Ok, thank you for the info, you saved my life from being a riminal XD
@Kenny2005 plz tell me it's fake
@Kenny2005 Is this fake? cuz i hpe it is
Bombing your own house never gets old.
@Feanor try dropping Tzar on Tokyo
Well, bombing the White House, United States Capitol and Pentagon did way less damage than expected.