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Little teaser of that I've been doing

5,483 MasterLobster  7.6 years ago

Howdy! It's been quite a while since I last posted, and that's good, because I've remade everything god know how many times, and it's coming with everything custom and a lot of attention to little details, foldable wings, tailhook, flaps, aerial refuel nozzle, real decals, an exocet missile and everything to have fun flying the Super Etendard registration number 3-A-202, yes, the little motherfunker that sunk both the HMS Sheffield and the SS Atlantic Conveyor, here are some pictures that show what it's looking like so far:

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If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late
If you can read this you either have bad internet connection or came here too late

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    30.4k soundwave


    I use that one all the time

    7.6 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx Guess what? You're right.

    7.6 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    Hey, you're the one who's posting a preview, not me. But, just to show there's no hard feelings, here's something you might like, A-4 El Tordillo.

    7.6 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx That's why I wrote "motherfunker" and do you really think I didn't notice that by now and corrected it? Do you actually think it's done?

    7.6 years ago
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    Nice design!

    7.6 years ago
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    @Blue0Bull I don't want to feed the hype, that's why I'm gonna do excactly that.
    It's probably coming out tomorrow after I finish the back landing gear.

    7.6 years ago
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    @AudioDud3 It's a single inferno with a lot of XML done to it so it's attached to every other part just so it works.

    7.6 years ago