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Why we need 1.8 to be as big as 1.2

141k BaconEggs  7.7 years ago

A little trivia, 1.2 was the biggest update to date, it added 16 parts, and one island, that of course being the one named like a sound effect. We need something that's much larger than the more recent updates (1.5, 1.6).

1. Guided bomb- locks on like a missile, and guides itself to the target, simple
2. Fuselage hole- Basically a fuselage intake, but the hole size is scaled like a normal fuselage block, and the hole is straight through the entire part
3. Larger, customizable landing gear- Customize the ride height, the retract path, and it's retract speed
4. Helicopter parts (You get the gist of it)
6. Flaps and slats inbuilt to wing parts
7. Arrestor hooks & Arrestor wires- Install wires on both carriers, and have a part to snag the wire and stop for easier carrier use.

Fix the crosswind landing challenge because it's probably at 50-60mph winds, and the fastest probably would be 25-30mph to even be flying.
Transfer Flight: Fly from one airport to another between islands or in the vicinity of the island
Hit The Target: Hit a ground target directly with a bomb, has to take off, then land to finish
Without a Bridge: Fly over hostile territory and try not to be shot down, make it from one side to the other
Reconnaissance: Fly below 500ft (Above ground level), and fly above a 'top secret' ground location for ten seconds, and return to base

Nautical/Metric measuring scales: Simple, converts Mph to Knt or Kph, the same with miles, Km, and Nm
Painter tool (Re-do): Have the color slider be replaced with a color wheel and text bars to put in HEX or RGB codes, and sliders or text boxes to control how shiny or dull you want the color to be.
Body Lift: Flatter surfaces of fuselage blocks generate lift, but only a little bit compared to wings.

World features&Add-ons:
Have a mountain base at this location:

I also have drawn out plans for it as well:

You can see I am the best at using MS paint

Dalton Archipelago: Multiple small islands very close to each other, some connected by bridges, 2 airports, and some sweet scenery
Worlidge Island: Littered with small airfields, and a single large airport. Lots of plains, and mountains near the unpopulated areas. Would make for a nice place to have fun in multiplayer
Also a full airport at the northern runway, or at least a tower, an apron and hangars

Ability to change color hue, font, and saturation of parts of the menu
Ability to change FOV in-flight
Zoom feature on camera parts

That's all I have now, good night.. or morning

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    Top notch MS paint skills right there

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    4.0 years ago
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    315 MightBeMe

    This is really good

    6.4 years ago
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    K thx @BaconEggs

    6.5 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @ClarkSpernato put a #
    And you


    6.5 years ago
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    This is nice. If another island is going to be made, it should also be for mobile and might have a little town there.

    OFF TOPIC How do you do the giant blue text thing?

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    Some other suggestions

    -Multiplayer for iOS
    -Destructable Buildings (Such as hangars & Control Towers etc)
    -Another Island
    -Helicopter rotors

    +3 7.2 years ago
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    You should put this on the service (if you haven't already), it would probably get the devs attention more.
    It's nice how these fresh ideas and not just repetitions of the same ideas...

    7.4 years ago
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    501 Aerobako


    7.5 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @NathanMikeska @HellFireKoder I re-did this to fit with the times.
    any other ideas?

    7.6 years ago
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    1,339 BaconBoyXL

    @BaconEggs do you recommend buying on steam?

    7.6 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @BaconBoyXL $13 on steam.

    7.6 years ago
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    1,339 BaconBoyXL

    OMG I SO AGREE!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WILL BE AWSOME!!!!!!! ALSO how much is simpleplanes on computer to download?

    7.6 years ago
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    4,244 Maxwell1

    Some interesting ideas. But I don't know if iPhones and iPads and such can handle these new features...

    7.7 years ago
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    @BaconEggs oH, derp

    7.7 years ago
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    7.7 years ago
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    Oh thanks!

    7.7 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @UssInvincible the one that would make a sound effect and choke you to
    (Its krakabloa obviously)

    7.7 years ago
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    @BaconEggs what island sounded like an sound effect?(sorry for being stupid)

    7.7 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @Braydonsjej R E P O R T

    7.7 years ago
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    Well then report me then.

    7.7 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @Braydonsjej You've posted 8 comments so far and it's what could fit into a single to 2 comments

    7.7 years ago
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    7.7 years ago
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    @Braydonsjej No thanks

    7.7 years ago
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    Can you build the Airbus A380@BaconAircraft

    7.7 years ago
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