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Harvey's suggestions

10 Harvey126pho  7.6 years ago

First of all this game is brilliant but why does it cost money on my PC but free on my I phone (well it was free)?

  1. Ability to refuel at the airports and carriers.

  2. Buildings at the north runway (its bare and boring).

  3. Where is the desert island on phone?

  4. PARTS: Ship parts, torpedoes, longer range Air to surf missiles, more engines.

  5. More things to blow up!!!

  6. Fuel flow diagram, fuel pumps, more control over fuel, buildable fuel tanks, pipes and pumps!!!!

  7. A map on all devices without mods.

  8. Auto pilot

  9. Route planing and calculating headings and approaches, fuel and range system.

  10. ATC, Aproches (ILS), Smarter AI (full flight?), AI Teams (my spitfires blow the other spitfires up and not the BF109's)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you if you read this.

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    8,281 12ocketguy

    The ability to refuel is done by pressing the restart here button. You spawn at that exact with 100% fuel and any other things that you used like bombs also reappear.

    7.6 years ago
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    1,166 RedBeast23
    1. Agreed
    2. Agreed
    3. Maywar? No, that Island is too big to run on mobile
    4. I can agree with that
    5. Heck yeah!
    6. Meh...
    7. I wish
    8. It's on PC, but not mobile, idk why
    9. Yes
    10. I think this game is just fine without ATC
      Just my opinion
    7.6 years ago