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A possible change to multiplayer?

9,131 UssInvincible  7.6 years ago

I hope I'm not bothering you @HellFireKoder and @UnstableOrbit. But is it possible you can change multiplayer physics? Every day someone comes in getting an huge cargo plane and is willing to pick someone up and fly them somewhere, but then after some time I tested it with the AI, they got in with no glitching problems, just like there is in multiplayer, so is it possible you could turn multiplayer into live AI? My final question is add friction to people's creations, an example is one time I tried to land on an multiplayer carrier with an truck I dropped from my helicopter, I tried to drive on it but nothing was happening, but when it comes to AI, they just drive on other things like an easy to go road, and that is all, so is it ok to change it?