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Armor, Flares, and Jammers

148 MadGopher14  7.6 years ago

Adding on to my post yesterday about armor, I have more ideas about combat defense. Right now the only way to evade missiles is fancy flying, but I want a more reliable and realistic way of defeating enemy fire. I propose that in the next update simple planes add Flares and Radio Jammers. First off flares, the Idea behinde these would be a module added to the plane and triggred by activation keys . Flares would send a shower of hot metal in the direction of the flare module to distract missiles. They would only work when the missile is close up and would be one time use. Jammers would be a bit tougher to balance because they would block target aquisitions. Perahps jammers would only work at long range.

If you have any ideas for balance on these two suggestions or comments to add, leave them below. Feel free to upvote if this is somthing you would like to see in game.

If you didn't see my post on armor go check it out, I think its a cool concept you'll like.